Discernment: A Critical Leadership Power for Upgrading Decision-Making

Discernment: A Critical Leadership Power for Upgrading Decision-Making

I always tell my child that being a parent does not come with a how-to user manual, even though it would have been nice to reference standard operating procedures (SOPs) just once—more specifically, as my son ascended into adolescence, where the stakes were higher. Much like parenting older teenagers, leaders face complex, challenging and tough decisions every day while attempting to balance risk, create optimal impact and work hard to just get it “right.”

Research finds that humans make roughly 2,000 decisions each waking hour. This number significantly increases when you are in a leadership role, where the complexity and stakes simultaneously multiply. Have you ever stopped to think about how many of your decisions each day or each week are made in the realm of the “messy” stuff—where the stakes are high, the emotions are strong and there is no specific right or wrong way to approach it?

This complicated, messy situation you find yourself facing is not a linear decision, such as when a helicopter is malfunctioning in flight and there are known decisions and steps to follow in this high-pressure situation. So if it is not a linear decision approach to solve your messy situation, what you are actually dealing with is a lot of gray area between the known details and unknown details. Perhaps it contains disagreement, misalignment, conflict and or ethical dilemmas. You may also be under time pressure to make a swift decision in this urgent, challenging situation. This is where discernment lives. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure.”

Leaders assume the need to be decisive and know all the answers. Overconfident decisions are derived from the need to provide solutions based on past experiences, knowledge gained, abilities and beliefs.

Smart people sometimes fail because they have strong convictions that lead to black-and-white thinking followed by uninformed decision-making.

They may have a lack of desire or ability to shift into learning and discovery mode and gather situational intelligence, and the absence of these behaviors leads to errors and poor decisions.

Unlike the missing parenting SOPs, the approach to complex business situations where discernment lives actually does exist! It is accessible as a how-to thinking structure that encompasses sense-making, being curious to gather situational understanding, leveraging intuition, applying analytical techniques, practicing emotional intelligence and having a devil’s advocate to challenge your assumptions and convictions. All these practices make up a holistic approach for your thinking structure as a strategy when faced with discerning difficult decisions. Discernment as a cognitive structure is underutilized but well-researched in pointing to the essential need for evaluating and differentiating information in order to make informed decisions.

Kent D. Miller describes discernment in the Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion as “a multidimensional concept of decision making by logic and reason, by empathy gained through reflection and understanding, and by moral ethics determined by one’s spirituality.” In his article, Miller references three behavioral principles required for discernment: knowledge acquisition, self-regulation and knowledge application to make an informed decision.

At my company, we structure this in this way:

Knowledge Acquisition

Gather information to understand the situation and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant data. Be open to shifting your convictions as you gain an understanding of new points of view, allowing for you to deprioritize those convictions when new understanding is gained.

  • Lead with questions, not answers.
  • Ask others to take risks and share their thoughts and concerns courageously.
  • Request that a teammate play the role of devil’s advocate.
  • Identify what analysis is missing and who else can be subject matter experts outside of your organization.
  • Search for all relevant facts.
  • Separate your facts from your beliefs and/or convictions.
  • Separate others’ facts from beliefs and/or convictions.
  • Actively seek to understand others’ beliefs and backstories.
  • Distinguish between a strong and a weak argument.
  • Evolve your empathy with the new understanding gained.


Assess your motivations and how you want to show up to influence with intent where disconcertment is present. Cultivate the willful desire to grasp the unknowns and test convictions.

  • Manage your emotional reactivity and your need to be the smartest person in the room.
  • Counter your anxiety or frustration by stepping into curiosity about another’s point of view.
  • Release your tension when others are not “connecting the dots” as quickly as you.
  • Lean into patience with others and shift your mindset and attention to being in learning and discovery mode.

Knowledge Application

Organize information to bring understanding, alignment and buy-in.

  • Allow time to be in learning and discovery mode—despite situational urgency and perceived pressure. This is where leaders gain the buy-in needed for decisions that result in shared meaning and shared outcomes. Trust your discovery and your gut for when it is time to shift into action.
  • Have the mindset of spectrum thinking, where everything is on a continuum: it’s not good or bad, right or wrong.
  • Assess what information you have acquired that is logical and in line with your values and ethics for how you want to show up or how you want the department/organization to show up for the greater good.
  • Ask yourself what level of risk you are willing to take.
  • Determine a point at which you have gained enough facts, opinions, self-reflection, moral alignment and differing perspectives to make an informed decision.

Why might discernment as a thinking structure be your greatest leadership power in complex situations? Discernment can play a significant role in preventing poor or shortsighted decision-making. Leaders who apply this cognitive thinking structure have a greater self-awareness of what influences their day-to-day decisions. It is the space carved out where critical thinking happens, in very specific ways, for decisions that must be made amid heightened uncertainty.

Discernment does not come with a perfect decision guarantee but rather is a guaranteed practice in gathering situational and social intelligence, developing empathy and gaining the understanding and influence to make informed decisions and the best choices in complex situations.


Publishing Source: Forbes.com
Image Source: GETTY
Picture of Samantha Tassone

Samantha Tassone

Samantha focuses on drawing from four critical multi-disciplinary specializations: Gender Intelligence, performance-under-pressure, neuroleadership (a brain-based approach), and Conversational Intelligence. She coaches organizations to change their navigational patterns during conversations to move away from power positioning and toward strategies that build trust, empathy, and shared outcomes.

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