Fueling Leadership Growth through Conversational Intelligence

Our brains are hard-wired for conversational intelligence—we just need to understand how to access it. 
Samantha Tassone has more than 25 years of experience nurturing conversation competencies with executives, high-potentials, board members, and boots-on-the-ground employee teams. 
Conversational intelligence is the next generation of competencies beyond emotional intelligence. It gives us tools to architect and deconstruct conversations in order to learn powerful conversational rituals that prime the brain for trust, partnership, and mutual success. 
GrowthFuel brings brain-science down to earth with a greater understanding of our predictable human behaviors. We help leaders at all levels tap into their higher potential for collaboration and performance.

Topics Tailored to Your Team

Our unique leadership discovery experiences promise to provide a high-level understanding of conversational intelligence and neuroleadership.

Get simple and clear fundamentals of brain-based conversational dynamics to increase your understanding of human potential and its applications across individual growth, team performance, and organization culture. The following topics are samples of past facilitations that can be customized for your company’s needs or next event:

  • Neuroscience Behind Leadership Conversations and Relationships That Connect 
  • Brain-based Strategies for Increasing Conversational Competence
  • Dialogue for Healthy Partnering
  • How to Increase Conversational Competence by Learning to Navigate for Innovation, Creativity, Trust, and Co-Creation
  • Gender Intelligence: How and Why Men and Women Lead Differently
  • Neuroscience Behind Conversational Collisions with the Opposite Gender 
  • Neuroscience Behind Power Differentials in the Conversational Space
  • Empowering Women: Upgrade Self-Confidence and Perform at Higher Levels 
  • Leadership Now: Creating Space for Inclusion with Brain-based Science
  • Mitigating Unconscious Bias and Creating a Culture of Inclusion through Brain-based Strategies
  • Building High Performing Teams: Brave and Courageous Conversations That Allow Others to Flourish
  • Executive Selection Methodology: Train Your Selection Committee on Repeatable and Reliable Selection Procedures and Behavioral Interviewing Skills 

Formats That Fit

Working with Samantha as your facilitator ensures that your customized content on neuroleadership is delivered in a format that engages your people and provides actionable and immediately applicable skills. We incorporate pre- and post-work to engage individuals at higher levels and reinforce learning outcomes.

GrowthFuel’s talk-types include: Roundtable Discussions and Panels, Listening Circles, World Café, Fishbowl 


Setting the stage for a value-packed conference day or a purpose-driven event, speaking topics can be customized into an original keynote that grabs the attention of your audience and provides actionable takeaways. 


Creating consensus and conditions for alignment with guided workshops geared for working together, solving problems, managing conflict, and getting to shared outcomes.


Interactive sessions combining conversational-style lecture and breakout activities to explore talk-tracks and tools towards conversational intelligence. Feedback technology such as anonymous and live polls may be incorporated to capture participant views and help everyone feel engaged and connected.


Expand leadership capacity through a curated cohort series that centers themed topics and networking. Bring an internal or external-facing lunch or dinner series to your company or city with a one, three, or six-month program engaging employees, professionals, or clients in gaining mastery over the conversational space. 

Learning Directions & Outcomes

Working with Samantha as your facilitator ensures that your customized content on neuroleadership is delivered in a format that engages your people and provides actionable and immediately applicable skills. We incorporate pre- and post-work to engage individuals at higher levels and reinforce learning outcomes.

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Custom Learning Experiences

Samantha specializes in teaching methodologies and simulating real-world scenarios to put them into practice. Introduce your company or event audience to the power of neuroleadership in the conversational space.