For over 20 years, Samantha has worked with public, private and non-profit organizations.

She has coached hundreds of male and female executives and leaders across a variety of industries. She uses a unique blueprint to accelerate client performance and improve the quality of their human dynamic interactions.


Sharpening the skills of high potential professionals with science and structure

Leaders Are Not Born

Ongoing research in management studies consistently supports leadership as an acquired trait—recognizing that study, practice, self-reflection, and exploration are necessary investments to deepen self-awareness and trust.
Additional foundations of leadership, such as collaboration, appreciation, and humility, anchor this management practice in the conversational space. But conversations can feel threatening and our brain chemistry can cause us to fight, flight, freeze, or appease others. 

percent of our focus and energy is required to understand others and connect with their feelings


percent of conversations miss the mark—the impact of the dialogue gets missed or misconstrued


percent of any conversation’s agenda is often avoided or skirted around due to fear of residual relationship damage

Leaders Are Made

Brain-based leadership coaching prepares leaders of all levels to shift their capacity to navigate the conversational space. We can elevate our influence as communicators without hierarchy or power positioning. At GrowthFuel, we call this holistic influencing
Get yourself or your team to the next level with brain-based, science-backed coaching in the areas of: 

Events & Speaking

GrowthFuel president, Samantha Tassone, is an experienced speaker available to lead keynotes, conference sessions, board retreats, or workshops through various methods such as roundtable discussions, listening circles, World Café, and Fishbowl. Presentations on brain-based conversational intelligence are customizable to your needs. 

We don’t play industry favorites.

For more than 20 years, we have worked with public, private, and nonprofit organizations—coaching hundreds of executives and teams across a variety of industries. Whether your work is done behind a desk or a machine, remotely or in-person, leadership and team dynamics impact success at all levels.

Information Technology
Higher Education
Child Safety & Regulation

Integrated Marketing
Disability Inclusion
Financial Services
Health & Medical
Real Estate

Don't just take our word for it.

Clients come to GrowthFuel with untapped potential and a desire for clarity on how to access their next level of leadership. They walk away with courage, competence, and the right leadership chemistry to create the conditions that help others to flourish.