Give your organization a health and culture checkup.
Get To Shared Meaning
GrowthFuel provides transformational change consulting across the organization through the talent and performance lens. We work with leadership teams and employees to elevate their vital behaviors—reframing how they think, infusing a common language, and building competencies for shaping the conversational space in order to shift to shared meaning, outcomes, and mutual success.
Our Approach
Assessing your organization’s health begins with an immersive discovery of the leadership styles, environmental factors, and performance potential at play. We’ll conduct stakeholder interviews or assessments to uncover critical observations on strengths, barriers, and blind spots. Aligning these insights with the organization’s strategic vision for the future will inform the design of the learning tools and methodologies necessary to reframe your organization’s conversational operating system.
We’ll put the learning into practice with interactive lab sessions or real-time, situational coaching scenarios that reveal immediate ROI for you and your bottom line.
Design Your Org Health Program
Leveraging an organization’s collective intelligence for problem-solving requires a brain-based tool set to innovate and co-create. GrowthFuel’s consulting experience will help you measure, diagnose, and improve your company’s health by building conversational intelligence among your people and creating the scaffolding for how to move forward together.
Power Differentials
Social interactions either limit or contribute wisdom to the dialogue space where cooperation and competition live.
Trust & Connection
Teams who embrace universal conversational competence—where trust is formed—have the capacity to build relationship currency to cultivate, repair, and extend trust.
Listening & Connection
The importance of learning to listen is misunderstood and underappreciated. Lack of full presence creates disconnect. Learn how to effectively listen to your team to expand awareness and establish alignment in expectations.
Recognizing Patterns
Recognizing conversational patterns is critical to managing self, others, and where to navigate next.
Conversational Agility
Gain the ability to use tool sets and scripts to effectively navigate the conversational space away from conversational collisions to shared outcomes.
Architecting Conversations
Understand the different tools and brain-based models that can help decrease operating errors in social interactions.
Courageous Collaboration Transforms Organization Culture
Organizational culture is shaped by conversations. Is your team prepared to pursue a strategic vision through clear intentions, humanizing conditions, and candid conversations as they face changing business goals and workplace evolution?
The Urgent Need to Raise the Communication Competency
of Leaders & Organizations
of employees are more innovative when collaboration is present
of employees do better work when collaboration is thriving
of employees say collaboration is very important
Credit: ‘Culture of Collaboration Snapshot Survey’ by Salesforce (2021)
Tap into professional bravery to push conversations forward.
Where leaders excel and teams execute at the highest level
Improve employee engagement, morale, collaboration, and the bottom line by gaining the conversational competence to shape the conversation, ask powerful questions, facilitate high-stakes dialogue, and bring out the best in others.